She Has Infinite Possibilities

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She has Infinite Possibilities

She is limitless.She is expanding her joy.She is giving herself choices.She is going on an adventure and nothing will get in her way!

She has given up her limiting beliefs.She has remembered who she is.She has remembered all that she loves.She has rekindled her passion for life.

She sees the magic.She believes.She wonders.She smiles to herself with this secret.

A secret that others can see in her sparkle.A secret that others can feel in her presence.A secret that makes others look twice.A secret she is willing to share.

It took her a while to unearth the treasure.It took lots of courage to regain her smile.It took lots of patience to wait for the answer.It took lots of practice to be able to share.

She is back in game that is life to be living.She is back in the seat that will drive her along.She is back from the depths that were hiding her glory.She is back and is able to sing her own song.

The gift that she has to share is so preciousHer purpose to show all those willing to seeThat the limits we have are our only deterrentsFrom seeing Infinite Possibility

She opens her heart to receive the expansionShe opens her eyes to the beauty to seeShe opens her arms to give out the ElixirShe opens her life – She is Love – She is Free.

© Alexandra Gold