She Believes in the Magic

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One starry night

The stars were bright

The people gathered round

All looking upwards

Shocked, in awe

In wonder what they found

She wandered up

To where they were

And turned around to see

A tinged with opal

Orange sphere

Nothing likes of which she’d seen

The chattering

The baited breath

Of those who watched in glee

All looking one another touched

To see that what they believed

To be something far greater than

They had ever known before

That captured moments in their hearts

One another lost in awe

The sphere itself was dancing with

The sky moving up and down

Playing games and dicing with

Getting smaller then profound

Sideways sliding

Big and small

And moving in a space

From the east

Stars in the sky

And taking pride of place

The evening of the night itself

The magic was instilled

Into the hearts of those who believed

The wonder that they’d seen

In time the sphere had spent itself

And played enough impart

The unknown greater than anything

Those gifted sight it dart

And then those gathered

Looked amongst

Themselves in silent smiles

Knowing that they had just witnessed

Magic in the skies

The wonder instilled in their hearts

The unknown awesome gift

To share with others who needed hope

A magic, wondrous lift

She went for years and thought of ways

To share the magic given

And tried so many different ways

But never stopped, was driven

And when one evening

Many moons

Years later doubt crept in

She asked again on that same eve

A sign to see

Be given

And moments later

Looking up

Up high into the sky

A shooting star

Gave her, instilled

Belief – her magic heaven

©Alexandra Gold 2016 – This is my true Christmas story <3 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays To You All

Rise & Shine – No Regrets – Download the free PDF Golden Day Planner – Rituals For Your Success

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© – Alexandra Gold

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Any Woman can be A Woman On Purpose – Let Me Show You How

The A Woman On Purpose Journey is an emerging archetype of a new generation of women who want to live fully and openly by sharing their unique gifts with the world passionately, powerfully and prosperously and create a precious legacy.

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I truly believe that we are living in an era of historical change with many women, just like you, who are feeling the call to be of service, be of value and to be in love with life at the same time.

A Woman on Purpose – Enlightenment, Empowerment and Evolutionary Leadership.

© ALEXANDRA GOLD – Author of ‘A Woman On Purpose’ (Become Financially Free, Spiritually Full & Confidently Unstoppable) #1 Amazon Bestseller, Speaker, Practical Alchemist & Spiritual Thought Leader and the creator of The Golden Compass system for Purposeful Life & Business.

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