She Trusts The Magic

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She rides the tide of Ebb & Flow,

A river meandering through the ups and downs of life,

Accepting challenges as part of her personal journey,
Accepting miracles as part of her birthright.

A Woman On Purpose Trusts The Magic
And waits with anticipation for her next encounter,
Knowing in her heart that all is well.

She rides the tide of her Personal Rhythm,
A journey of internal humanity and the greater unknown.
Spiritual serendipity is accepted as much as the need for sustenance, primal survival and surrender.

A Woman On Purpose Trusts The Magic,
She trusts that she will have good days and bad days
And that everything is just so and how it should be.

She does not need to know everything,
She just needs to Trust enough and lean faithfully into that trust in order to rides the waves of Magic in awe and wonder.

A Woman On Purpose Trusts The Magic,
Yet she knows that magic needs action to work and that the Infinite Possibilities and Eternal Flow are only revealed to those who give and take.

She trusts the Golden Mean of Nature and encounters every day with gain and respite, give and take, think and do, hide and seek.
The dichotomy speaking unsaid words to the Rhythm of her Inner Wisdom and beating the same drum as her heart.

A Woman On Purpose Trusts The Magic,
Yet she knows that others are unable to see it, to feel it and know it yet.
She trusts that it is her duty to unveil the Secrets of The Magic to the world and hold the mystique of the meaning of life up for the world to see.

She trusts that the Magic will give her all she needs,
She trusts that the doors will open,
She trusts that the voices will sing,
She trusts that the Magic will be seen,
In all its Glory, For the Universal Unknown is
Scattered with the Magic of Infinite Possibilities.

I truly believe we are entering a Golden Age.
It is time for us to start trusting ourselves, nature, the energy, the power – All for good – together.
May you all trust the magic.
Remember to be gentle, lean back and lead the way.

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