She Takes Center Stage

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She Takes Center Stage

In her own life

At every age

At every stage

She has a role to play

She Takes Center Stage

She is always the Star

The Star of her own life

At whatever age

At whatever stage

She has a role to play

She Must Take Center Stage

There were times when she was happy to sit back and watch

Times to recharge, times when enough

Time was spent being and doing with glee

The part she was playing was happy and free

Happy to just be a part of the crowd

The merry go lucky

The happy go round

Those times were her fortune

Those times were her need

To become all the while

Who she needed to be

Whatever that took

It was part of the plan

To take Center Stage

Now that she can

Every single woman

No matter her role

Is worthy, is equal

Is essential, is whole

We all have different parts that we play

They are all as important

We were made that way

But if you are feeling the call to be more

It is time that you take note

It is time to stand tall

Join hands with your sisters

In peace and in love

Share your gifts with abandon

Heaven sent from above

For your purpose is shouting for your new role to take

It is time for your role in this world you to make

Leading the people on this stage to see

How life could be happy if we were all free

So create a place in your heart where your courage is found

So place your feet on foundations, on solid ground

Take your transformation a beauty filled place

For you to feel confident, feel full of grace

For all of the leaders that need to be seen

Need their message be heard and be part of the team

That is changing the world just one step at a time

Taking Center Stage place for the new world we will find

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Women On Purpose

40 Days of Inspiration, Mindset & Practical insights and lessons for Self-Love, Discovery & Reinvention with Alexandra Gold

She share some of her most powerful tips and practices (as she goes deep into this teaching poetry) to ensure that you are ready to make the rest of your life the best of your life and become the most successful, happy, abundant and powerful YOU ever.

© ALEXANDRA GOLD – Author of ‘A Woman On Purpose’ (Become Financially Free, Spiritually Full & Confidently Unstoppable) #1 Amazon Bestseller, Speaker, Practical Alchemist & Spiritual Thought Leader and the creator of The Purpose Philosophy & The Golden Compass System for Purposeful Life & Business.

Commit To You