[images style=”0″ image=”http%3A%2F%2Fawomanonpurpose.tv%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F04%2FAWOP-She-Shines-Her-Light.jpg” width=”898″ align=”center” top_margin=”0″ full_width=”Y”]
She has overcome darkness
To be the light
To see the light
To shine her light
Overshadowed for so long
She has grown to love the eclipse
Accepting it as necessary
For her to shine her light
Releasing her
Filling her with gratitude
Filling her with knowledge
Filling her with goodness
Filling her with hope
With her inner glow beaming
She purifies her world
Cleansing her soul
Letting go of old patterns
Happiness infuses her home
Sparkling wisdom
Shining optimism
Ready for the future
Her smile beams
Her heart radiates
Her aura is iridescent
She adorns herself with beauty
Inside and out
The jewels in her eyes
Mirror her emotions
A whole new world awaits her
A new beginning
As the light she has become
As the light she always was
As the light she always will be
Stepping forth
Stepping out
Stepping in
She holds the light in her hands
As a symbol
As a reminder
As an amulet
To never forget
She Shines Her Light
© – Alexandra Gold
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Any Woman can be A Woman On Purpose – Let Me Show You How
The A Woman On Purpose Journey is an emerging archetype of a new generation of women who want to live fully and openly by sharing their unique gifts with the world passionately, powerfully and prosperously and create a precious legacy.
Join The Free Membership to A Woman On Purpose includes Guides, Meditations, Visualisations, Ebooks, Training, Pdf’s and Audio to help you Heal, Empower and Lead to help you become Spiritually Full, Financially Free & Confidently Unstoppable.
I truly believe that we are living in an era of historical change with many women, just like you, who are feeling the call to be of service, be of value and to be in love with life at the same time.
A Woman on Purpose – Enlightenment, Empowerment and Evolutionary Leadership.
© ALEXANDRA GOLD – Author of ‘A Woman On Purpose’ (Become Financially Free, Spiritually Full & Confidently Unstoppable) #1 Amazon Bestseller, Speaker, Practical Alchemist & Spiritual Thought Leader and the creator of The Golden Compass system for Purposeful Life & Business.
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