She Rules – I Forgave Myself For Being White

She Rules - Your Call To Action On Purpose

I Forgave Myself For Being White – How I Turned My Privilege Into Purpose

I am a white woman. Always have been and always will be.  

If you have been reading my posts on my journey as an ANTI-Racist (note Anti rather than not racist) you will know that I was born in England and moved to South Africa at the age of 9 and I have been contemplating my role in #BlackLivesMatter for 40 years.

I have been rich and I have been poor.

I have been fat and I have been thin.

I have been happy and I have been sad.

I have been supported and I have been suppressed.

But I have never been and will never be a black woman.

I have had 40 years of unlearning and re-educating but I am still not a black woman.

I have had 40 years of integrating empathy, compassion and kindness into my heart but I will never be a black woman.

I have been through good times and horrendous times and trauma I would never wish on anyone and still, I will never be a black woman.

I have had 40 years of being a woman but I will never be a black woman.

So I can NEVER be so bloody obnoxious to speak for her unless I have been asked or it is my duty as a human being to stand up for her with the privilege I have been born with.

It is simply not my place and none of my Purposeful Business.

I have done the work – on me. 

My Beliefs as opposed to the beliefs handed down and surrounding me.

My Values as opposed to the values given and prescribed to me.

My Choices as opposed to the choices others make and have made for me.

My Rights as a human opposed to the rights governments and society offer me.

My Philosophy as opposed to the philosophy of others who were influenced by others.

My Priorities as opposed to the priorities I am supposed to uphold in society’s eyes.

My Position as opposed to being a part of the herd and standing up for what I believe in and that which I do not believe in (and have researched, contemplated and decided upon and always open to learning more about).

My Purpose as opposed to traditional ways of life I have integrated all of the above so I can, a) sleep at night, b) live the life I want to, c) give back to the world in a way that lights me up, d) Keep true to the promise I made when I was diagnosed with a brain tumour to make the world a better place.

I can never change the past but I CAN help change the future.

It has taken me 40 years to write this.

And yet it was one of the most profound moments of my life.

I forgave myself for being white and it allowed me that freedom to actually do some good rather than wallowing in my privilege.

You see, the conclusion I came to is the best thing I could do for #BlackLivesMatter and all of the other injustice that breaks my heart and makes me mad is to do some good and tip the scale where I am able.  By contributing On Purpose and serving more, I will be helping more and making the world a better place.  

Doing my bit for the world.  

Using my voice to stand up for those who have no voice and doing so in a respectful manner.

Using my ability to listen in order to share reason with those who have yet to see the light.

Using my work as a way to bring all of the women of the world, regardless of culture or creed together so that we can make the world a better place.

Using my platform to share this message on the global stage.

It may not be much but I promise I will do it all to the best of my ability.

To support the women of the world and at this moment the priority is for black women.

To reach out and give comfort to the women of the world and at this moment the priority is for black women.

To hold the hands of women all over the world and help them up and at this moment I hold my hand out for black women.

Obviously, all lives matter. It goes without saying but perhaps, if and when you do the work on yourself regardless of creed, culture, heritage or skin colour, you will understand that you too are blessed with privilege and there are many that could really do with a helping hand.

Turn your beliefs, passions, values, viewpoints, priorities, choices and privilege into Purpose and together, we can make the world a better place.

Oh, and don’t forget – She Is Our Future!

Much love,


P.S.  I am open to learning and evolving so if some of this offends it is certainly not intentional.

Please let me know your views on this subject and turning your privilege into purpose.

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