She is Transformational

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Stop! She cried to the universe
Stop! She cried to the world
Stop! She cried to the stars above
Stop! She cried inside

All through her life
The continual flow
Of how she should behave
Of how she should grow
The incessant telling
The constant decree
Of how she should act
Of how she should be

She started to question
Some of the words
Some of the actions
Some of the blurb
She started to wonder
She started to see
The truth was unfolding
Making her uneasy

Inside her mind
A different place formed
Quietly seeking
For her to transform
Into the person she wanted to be
Into the woman on purpose you see

She didn’t at the time
Realize her journey
Would take so much courage
Would take time to just be
With all of her questions
With all of her whys
With all of her worries
With all of her finds

The time in her cocoon
Of intimacy
Was time getting herself
Perfectly ready
All of the setbacks
All of the hard times
Were part of the journey
To quiet her mind
For her to discover
True comfort, true peace
That the same age old stories
Of ancient telling
Were saying the same things
Her soul was trying
To let her uncover
To let her design
In her way of speaking
In her way of mind

She will never be ready
She will always transform
For she realizes learning
Is for what she was born
But she takes all her knowledge
She takes her gifts wide
To help others find their path
To help others peace find

Although she will never be perfect
You’ll find
That the transformational journey
Is treasure inside
Once you accept that
Once you can see
Then it is time to step out
To be all you can be

For what use is transforming
The beauty to see
If it is only discovered
Between you and me
So reveal your true self
Find the courage inside
To share your true beauty
To share your true mind
To share your gifts fully
To live life to the full
Transformation becoming
The Infinite Flow

© – Alexandra Gold

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Any Woman can be A Woman On Purpose – Let Me Show You How

The A Woman On Purpose Journey is an emerging archetype of a new generation of women who want to live fully and openly by sharing their unique gifts with the world passionately, powerfully and prosperously and create a precious legacy.

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I truly believe that we are living in an era of historical change with many women, just like you, who are feeling the call to be of service, be of value and to be in love with life at the same time.

A Woman on Purpose – Enlightenment, Empowerment and Evolutionary Leadership.

© ALEXANDRA GOLD – Author of ‘A Woman On Purpose’ (Become Financially Free, Spiritually Full & Confidently Unstoppable) #1 Amazon Bestseller, Speaker, Practical Alchemist & Spiritual Thought Leader and the creator of The Golden Compass system for Purposeful Life & Business.

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