A Woman On Purpose is Rising!
She walks in with no effort to be seen or be heard
She walks in – her presence, confident, assured
She walks in with grace, holding her own
She walks in with love, ready to show.
She talks in her power, her tone entrancing
She talks with authority, knowing her way
She talks in her truth, always ready to share
She talks with love, always with care.
She knows what she wants and she will get her way
She knows what she wants and she will show you the way
She knows what she needs and does all that she can
She knows what she knows – the Sacred Plan.
She feels all emotions she will not hide them away
She feels all emotions, she was made that way
She feels all emotions, from anger to glee
She feels all emotions that is how it should be.
She sees only beauty for that is her fuel
She sees only beauty for that fills up her soul
She sees only beauty from that place you will find
She sees only beauty to give to mankind.
A Woman On Purpose is ready to be heard
A Woman On Purpose is ready to be seen
A Woman On Purpose is inside you and inside me!
She is rising.
She is coming round.
She is longing.
She is searching.
She is seeing.
She is hearing.
She is listening.
She will be free.
She is gathering her tools.
She is expanding her awareness.
She is expanding her horizons.
There are Infinite Possibilities.
She will be independent. Yet!
She will unite.
She will join her sisters.
She will Join the Resolution.
For, she is A Woman On Purpose
Together they will lead the way to the New Paradigm.
Together they will make the world a better place.