She is doing the best she can

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She is doing the best she can

She is doing the best she can 

As the dawn breaks

As the birds sing

She stirs in her sleep

As her day will begin

As the child softly breathes 

As her lover groans

She creeps out of bed

Precious time alone

She sits in the silence

And cherishes much

The magic of sunrise

The song of the thrush

She sits with her brew

And breathes in the new air

Her energy rising

To nourish and care

Not much time for herself 

Her flock must be tended

She’ll cook, clean and prepare

For what needs her to mend it 

And as her life grows

Her duties will change

But that time on her own

Will precious remain 

And then comes a time

When self care is required 

She sets herself boundaries 

A new life aspire

She has done her work well

She has paid her dues 

She still loves you dearly 

But desires something new

For her life is too precious 

To not got to plan

As past, now and forever 

She is doing the best she can