She Is An Alchemist

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Alchemist Affirmation

She Is An Alchemist


She had always been an Alchemist

But there came a time when she forgot this


She grew up with confidence, happiness 

and the ability to get whatever she desired

All that she needed inside he, around her.


She grew up with hope, wonder, excitement, adventure and freedom.

She grew up without doubt, with food, with a happy home that had western world normal ups and downs in life.

She grew up with her intuition open to the Infinite Possibilities of what life and living could hold for her and the rest of the planet.

She grew up dreaming and doing, giving and receiving without question.

She grew up living, laughing and loving.

She grew up with compassion and understanding and with the inherent and taught ability to know right from wrong.

She grew up with the unquestioning knowledge that she was responsible for her own optimism and faith and action.

She grew up knowing how fortunate she was to have all that she had.

Freedom, a good education, a home, running water, food on the table, friends, community and love.

She learnt that there is always a way.

She never doubted that – there is always a way.


She grew up learning that she was responsible for nurturing her loves and desires and was happiest when she overflowed from this happiness and desire and gave back in any way she could.


She was very lucky.


Then she learnt to fear.

Doubt crept in.


Her heart was hardened.

Her desires, suppressed.

Her freedom, taken.

Her vulnerability, exposed.

Her life at risk.

Her dreams shattered.

Her ability taken from her.

Her home taken from her.

Her finances dissipated.

Her voice went unheard.

Her presence unseen.

Her intuition went into hibernation.




She had to bear this suffering, alone and yet surrounded by people telling her, controlling her, helping her, loving her, scorning her, patronizing her and never really understanding or believing her.


This was Her path.

Her path back that eventually led her to Gold.

She had to learn again.

To hope.

To think.

To talk.

To walk.

To know.

To be in her power.

To be able to love freely and be loved freely.

To be able to rest, to give herself respite and what she needed.


She grew stronger.

She grew humbler.

She grew wiser.

She grew more compassionate.

She expanded her awareness.

She expanded her joy.

She expanded her ability to find solutions.

She expanded her ability to dream.

She expanded her ability to achieve.


She kept going.

She kept on.

She kept on moving forward.

She kept on gaining ground.

She kept her cool.

She kept her assertiveness.

She stood her ground.

She grew confident.

She grew happier.

She grew healthier.

She grew wealthier – financially, spiritually, physically and emotionally.


She grew innately more in tune with her own Golden Rhythm, her Golden Ratio, her ability to live her life as if it were Golden.

She grew more purposeful and more passionate and more prosperous and more powerful.

She grew in her own way,

She worked with what she had,

She worked where she was and she was determined.

She discovered the Gold that is her passion and she wanted to share the wealth.


The Elixir of Life

The Secrets

The Universal Laws


She became The Alchemist again.

She remembered the Secret to Peace and Happiness and had to share it with the world.

She remembered that “There is Always A Way”.

She remembered that it is in her.

She is the Alchemist.

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Women On Purpose


40 Days of Inspiration, Mindset & Practical insights and lessons for Self-Love, Discovery & Reinvention with Alexandra Gold

She share some of her most powerful tips and practices (as she goes deep into this teaching poetry) to ensure that you are ready to make the rest of your life the best of your life and become the most successful, happy, abundant and powerful YOU ever.

© ALEXANDRA GOLD – Author of ‘A Woman On Purpose’ (Become Financially Free, Spiritually Full & Confidently Unstoppable) #1 Amazon Bestseller, Speaker, Practical Alchemist & Spiritual Thought Leader and the creator of The Purpose Philosophy & The Golden Compass System for Purposeful Life & Business.