[images style=”0″ image=”http://awomanonpurpose.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/AWOP-She-has-an-Aura.png” width=”497″ align=”center” top_margin=”0″ full_width=”Y”]
She has an Aura
That she does
She glows in the dark
She glows from above
She glows in the presence
Of you and of me
She glows just by thinking
Good thoughts and ‘just breathe’
She walks down the sidewalk
Her stride swaying by
Her head looking upwards
It is hers that bright sky
She owns every second
Of her day and night
She keeps up her moods
By smiling so bright
She thinks of the beauty
The awe that she sees
She sees it towns
She sees it in trees
Sparkling sunshine
Is what this woman brings
Whenever she enters
She makes your heart sing
You know by her grace
She is all she can be
She shines to the world
She doesn’t care who will see
In all of her glory
In all of herself
She has an Aura
Of inner wealth
You can’t understand it
You want what she has
You ask for the answers
For an aura yourself
But what you don’t notice
Is that aura is found
In your reflection
Your mirror is bound
For what you do feel like
Is for you to see
Your aura is given
For you to reveal
So dig deep and find it
The glow is inside
It is your precious treasure
A gift not to hide
Go out in the daybreak
Go out in the night
Reveal all your beauty
Reveal all your wealth
Shine brightly, my darling
For the whole world to see
There is room for the Aura
Of you and of me