Her Unmasking Begins

[images style=”0″ image=”http%3A%2F%2Fawomanonpurpose.tv%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F12%2FAWOP-Her-Unmasking-Begins.png” width=”538″ align=”center” top_margin=”0″ full_width=”Y”]

She draws a line

In the sand

The time is right

The time is now

Time to make a choice to be

Her best self is what you’ll see

No longer hiding

In the dark

She made the choice

Her light to spark

She took a chance on letting go

Deciding that her love she’ll sow

She gathered all her gifts and tools

She took a risk and broke the rules

She took control, foundations strong

Not afraid to get it wrong

No playing safe

No going back

A vow she made

No room for lack

She knew that this made perfect sense

Taking action, abundance

Enough she was

Enough she’ll be

If she decides her life to be

Taking stock, sound of mind

Making love for all mankind

She had tried to contribute

From empathy but it had proved

Too much to bear, too hard to see

The truth revealed was her beauty

She filled her vessel with all she needed

And felt her heart burst at the seams

And realized that what she gave now

Was overflow, pure blessings be

Her smile grew wider, mortal happy

In tune with nature, spirit new

Hers for the taking all prosperity

All its glory she’d show you too

Deciding on how she would show you

Who she was and what she knows

Gave her even more pure pleasure

Filling more her overflow

How could she feel so ecstatic?

How could she this happy be?

How could she reveal this pleasure?

Mortal pleasure, spiritually.

There was no escaping reality

There was no time to be slow

In coming out in all her glory

Revealing all that she did know

Gathering her jewels and treasures

All in life that gave her glee

She took back all forgotten pleasures

Happy for eternity

So start to think of all those things

That filled you up in times gone by

Let go of what no longer serves you

Giving space for you to thrive

What will you reveal the next scene?

How will you live from now on?

How will you unmask your glory?

Dress it in your unique way?

This is your new chapter, writing

Taking charge of whom you’ll be

How you’ll live is so exciting

Have a go and you will see!

© – Alexandra Gold

Sign Up Today For 30 Days of Inspiration, Mindset & Practical insights and lessons to say goodbye to 2016 and Get Into Gear for Your Best Every Year in 2017.  I will be sharing some of my most powerful tips and practices (as I go through them myself) to ensure that you (and I) are ready to make 2017 the most successful, happy, abundant and powerful year ever.


Any Woman can be A Woman On Purpose – Let Me Show You How

The A Woman On Purpose Journey is an emerging archetype of a new generation of women who want to live fully and openly by sharing their unique gifts with the world passionately, powerfully and prosperously and create a precious legacy.

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I truly believe that we are living in an era of historical change with many women, just like you, who are feeling the call to be of service, be of value and to be in love with life at the same time.

A Woman on Purpose – Enlightenment, Empowerment and Evolutionary Leadership.

© ALEXANDRA GOLD – Author of ‘A Woman On Purpose’ (Become Financially Free, Spiritually Full & Confidently Unstoppable) #1 Amazon Bestseller, Speaker, Practical Alchemist & Spiritual Thought Leader and the creator of The Golden Compass system for Purposeful Life & Business.


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