She Starts A New Chapter

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Laying the journal on table

Placing her hand on the beauty that is bound

This new book

The scent of a fresh page

Smelling the Infinite Possibilities

A blank canvas

Hers to fill in

She takes time to reflect

Before she fills this empty space

She must ensure that she leaves all that no longer serves her behind

She will not fill this story with anything other than dreams and beauty

Before she moves on

She holds a Ritual Clearing

On a separate loose page she writes down

All that she will leave behind

All that she will let go

All that is past

All that is not needed

All that is painful

All that is unnecessary

All that should be forgotten

All of her anger

All of her judgment

Her troubles, her worries

Her cares and her fears

Her low points and lack

Her negativity and self-doubt

Under titles that begin

I forgive you, I love you, I am sorry

The names – hers and others

The memories

The sorrow

The heartache

The guilt

The shame

The fear

She wraps it up

Sprinkling herbs and essences of purification and beauty

Adding hearts and kisses

Love and acceptance

Tying it with a ribbon of release

She lays it upon a hearth scented pyre

Surrounded by deities that soothe her transition

Her beliefs

Her needs

Her soul

The flames


Her breath


As she watches her past return to dust

She is cleansed

To begin


Slowly the fire dies

Embers subdue

The last waft of infused air


Her body

With this ritual completed

She sits

Closing her eyes

She returns her focus

Her energy


Breathing out the closing of the last chapter

Returning to the present

There is work to be done

She surrounds herself with beauty

This is the most important moment of her life

Choices to be made

Chances to be taken

Changes to commence

The first task is to tune into the newness

The fresh scent of Possibilities is hers to fulfill

What does it smell like?

What color does it need?

What energy does it feel?

What word sums it up?

What does it look like? Her heart, her home, her health, her wealth, her purpose

Opening her book of life


















Re-arousing her desires, her dreams, her destiny

Visualizing her future

Creating a map dotted with treasure, fortune, magic and miracles

Excitement starts to bubble

Forming a center of energy between her heart and core

Strengthening her body, her soul, her resolve

She is ready now

Picking up her most beautiful pen

She swirls her wishes

Upon the blank page


All that awaits with her passion

She starts a new chapter

Are you ready to start a new chapter of your life?

I believe that there is a way forward for you to live the life you crave AND to make the world better at the same time.

I believe that many women feel this Golden Thread of pain that is born from the dichotomy of wanting personal fulfillment and doing good and giving too much. The pain that leads to heartache, pain and regret and a deep chasm of a hole desperately trying to be healed.

I believe that I am the holder of The Secret Art of Practical Alchemy and it is my purpose to share it with the world.

How do I believe this?

Because I was there once. After illness and desperation left me destitute, desperate and almost dead I made a Decisive Choice to live a life of peace and pleasure, on my own terms, in my own way. Spiritually Full, Financially Free and Confidently Unstoppable.

I made a Decisive Choice to make a difference in the world. To be useful, to contribute and define a new path and new paradigm for the world.

I believe in myself

I believe in you

I believe we can

Be happy and free

Be rich and abundant

Be perfectly imperfect

Be change-makers, visionaries, innovators, healers and teachers.

I believe that we can change the world

I believe that we can make it a better place

Together in commune,

Supporting one another

For ourselves, for our children, for our planet

As a legacy

We are the new generation of women

Women who want to heal, empower and lead

Who want to be seen, be heard, be reckoned with

Women who will use the ancient ways, intuition, foresight and modern innovation to find solutions

Women who KNOW that it is time

I KNOW your pain and your challenges

I created a SOULUTION

Are you ready?

Is it time for you to start again?

© – Alexandra Gold

Sign Up Today For 30 Days of Inspiration, Mindset & Practical insights and lessons to say goodbye to 2016 and Get Into Gear for Your Best Every Year in 2017.  I will be sharing some of my most powerful tips and practices (as I go through them myself) to ensure that you (and I) are ready to make 2017 the most successful, happy, abundant and powerful year ever.

Any Woman can be A Woman On Purpose – Let Me Show You How

The A Woman On Purpose Journey is an emerging archetype of a new generation of women who want to live fully and openly by sharing their unique gifts with the world passionately, powerfully and prosperously and create a precious legacy.

Join The Free Membership to A Woman On Purpose includes Guides, Meditations, Visualisations, Ebooks, Training, Pdf’s and Audio to help you Heal, Empower and Lead to help you become Spiritually Full, Financially Free & Confidently Unstoppable.

I truly believe that we are living in an era of historical change with many women, just like you, who are feeling the call to be of service, be of value and to be in love with life at the same time.

A Woman on Purpose – Enlightenment, Empowerment and Evolutionary Leadership.

© ALEXANDRA GOLD – Author of ‘A Woman On Purpose’ (Become Financially Free, Spiritually Full & Confidently Unstoppable) #1 Amazon Bestseller, Speaker, Practical Alchemist & Spiritual Thought Leader and the creator of The Golden Compass system for Purposeful Life & Business.

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